Microsoft Partner & Verified by Google
Outlook & Google Calendar
Talking Calendar Reminder
Chrome Web Store
Our features
Talking Calendar Reminder is an A.I based Chrome Extension
that utilizes voice to remind you of upcoming meetings, events and to do lists. It is ideally suited for busy professionals who work in office and with computers and who never want to miss any important meetings ever again.
For more information, please visit our YouTube Channel.
Watch the video about our product.
Meet Our intrepid, creative gangs
We are in the process of making the world a better place to

Hi all
Exploring ways to enrich people's lives with technologies is what I do for a living.
Holland Dawson
Hardcore Developer

Good day
Technology at the highest level is a form of art. I am a technology advocate as much as an artist,
Linc Bartlette
Creative Designer

Technology may have rough edges, it is my job to make it smooth.
Pete Hanson
Quality Control Specialist

Yes, it's me
We aim to change the world and make people's lives better by adding one cool feature at a time. We are strong believer of the saying "Sic Parvis Magna"
Rick Graves
Ruthless Leader